Analogies and agile

I love analogies. Ask anyone I work with and they’ll tell you that I’m obsessed with them. I use them all the time to help clarify an idea or a problem or to simply encourage people to think differently. Analogies help level the playing field. If you’re having a conversation with a group of developers, accountants, medical students and footballers, it’s likely that talking about something in one of their respective domains will alienate the other groups. Using an analogy based on something that everyone can relate to can break down these barriers to gain a common understanding. Continue…


Finally, I’ve published a blog post. For years I’ve procrastinated, promising myself that I will do something special, something flashy and original with this website. All of these things, these bells and whistles that I imagined were stopping me from doing what needed to be done, were just easy excuses not to get on with it. It seems apt therefore that this post should be about procrastination. Continue…